leisure activities

whats on in calella

leisure activities

Local festival of Sant Quirze and Santa Julita

14 June
  • Date: From 14 to 16 June, 2025
  • Place: Different places
  • Opening hours: Check programme
  • Prices: Check programme
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Each city has its patron saints. Sant Quirze and Santa Julita are ours, they are also revered in Italy, Catalonia and the peninsula: Many towns like ours have temples dedicated to their cult. Santa Julita was the mother of Sant Quirze and both died as martyrs to maintain their faith. They are the patrons of the poor, of children and of sawmill operators.

The festivities begin in the second half of June, preceding the night of San Juan. During these pre-summer days there is an explosion of commotion in Calella that does not only fill the spaces but also the spirit. It is one of those occasions to show off Calella´s pride. Throughout the week, there are plenty of things happening, such as concerts, public meals, dances, exhibitions, competitions, giants and trabucaires that perfectly blend into a party for everyone. A celebration of coexistence and traditions that seduce visitors with warmth of the local charm.