This represents an increase of 5.05% compared to 2015.
The Calella Tourist Offices have attended a total of 47.565 visitors in 2016, which represents an increase of 5.05% with respect to 2015, which had a total of 45.277 visitors. This number represents the amount of direct visits to the office and does not include the number of people who also make enquiries for information by web or post.
Amongst the main users are the visitors from Spain and the UK with a total of 16.741 people from Spain and 6.116 visitors from the UK. From Spain the main visitors to the tourist offices were as follows: 48.75% from Catalonia, 8.38% from the Basque Country and 5.52% from Valencia.
36% of visitors to the tourist offices arrived in couples, 26.44% in family, 16.73% in groups and 11.38% came in on their own. For the remaining 9.45% visitors we do not have the details for the statistics.
The tourist offices answered a total of 70.702 enquires. The type of enquires which asked related to the following: transport (49,04%) fun and diversion (24,01%) events (7,06%), accommodation (6,35%), shopping (5,93%), restaurants (1,17%), security (0,12%), others (6,31%).
The Tourist Board of Calella have two offices open all year (with reduced hours during the winter season) the central office on the street of Sant Jaume and an information point situated beside the train station.